State Resources
Explore our state profiles to see how community pharmacies can play a vital role in expanding access to HIV prevention services, especially in underserved areas. The state profiles highlight that there are often significantly more pharmacies than Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prescribing locations in communities where HIV prevention services are most needed.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that significantly reduces the risk of acquiring HIV when taken as prescribed. By showing where PrEP is currently prescribed, these profiles help identify gaps in HIV prevention services, indicating where increased efforts are needed.
Why RxEACH State Profiles Matter
RxEACH state profiles can be valuable tools for understanding and addressing gaps in HIV prevention services by:
Select your state from the map below to access a unique state profile which can support your efforts to enhance HIV prevention services.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Dr. Natalie Crawford and her team at Emory University’s Center for AIDS Research for their contributions. Each state profile map is based on research published in JAMA Network Open Network: Examination of HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Need, Availability, and Potential Pharmacy Integration in the Southeastern US.